Where to find a liquid nitrogen


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Hello everybody :wink:

i'm sorry, i don't speak German...:heul:
i'm a overclocker from Jmax Hardware (French team)
I come from Paris & now, i living in Luxembourg...

I want where to find a liquid nitrogen not far from me (dutch side) because in Luxembourg, i have not find.
In France, just "Air Liquide" at 30km of me but not sale & not delivery ! (only reserved for the professionals users)
I need a delivery in my home and rent of dewar to stock liquid nitrogen.

Many thanks for your help.
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Hm. I don't live in Germany but some mates from your country are active in xtremesystems.org. Maybe you can find something helpful things about your wishes.
Did you call them @ Air Liquide or did you just take a look at their webpage? Usually rules can be bent sometimes... ;)
In Germany we have good experiences with linde Gas www.linde.de
the LN² prices are variable from point to point.

But I know they will sell to everybody and Dewar rent is possible.
many thanks for the answers...
Did you call them @ Air Liquide or did you just take a look at their webpage? Usually rules can be bent sometimes... ;)
the problem with "Air Liquide",
it's very expensive (5/8 Euros per liters) & need a profesional accompt with the compagny (i don't have...)
a lot point "Air Liquide" in France but for a overclocker community, it's wrong (prices and conditions)
In Germany we have good experiences with linde Gas www.linde.de
the LN² prices are variable from point to point.

But I know they will sell to everybody and Dewar rent is possible.
Many thanks...
I send a email tomorrow for more information with "Linde Gas"
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